When it comes to keeping new year’s resolutions, I don’t have a very successful track record. I always tell myself that I am not going to even bother making them anymore, but they creep in anyway. Sometimes, I don’t make them until half way through January. I’ve usually already forgotten them by early February.
Today I was sitting at a coffee shop, waiting for a client, when I heard some hot teen girls giggling about their plans for the new year. There was a lot of talk about exercise and doing squats to build a butt, etc. One joked about needing exercise to build her boobs. I really had to bite my tongue to keep from chiming in.
I decided right then and there that 2019 would be a year to enjoy more teen sex than ever before. I don’t know if I will actually manage to hook up with any 19-year-olds who are into older men, but I do know where to find teen porn discounts. Watching isn’t the same as living, but I will take what I can get, and I will appreciate all of the itty bitty titties and tight asses. This is a resolution I should be very good at seeing through.