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Posted By admin on 07/04/13 - Bookmark Selina 18

Selina 18 and Paulina 18 showing off their teen tits.

Here is a double dose of barely legal solo models for your 4th of July festivities. May your night end with a bang!

Selina 18 and Paulina 18 are two of the hottest brunettes in the Premium GFs network. Both of the girls have petite bodies and perky tits. Paulina is by far the tiniest of the two, but while Selina might appear to have big boobs, look at how they barely fill Paulina’s small hands.

You can watch both of these teenagers having boy/girl sex and girl/girl sex. They each have many videos of their sexual exploits. The beauty of it all is that you don’t have to choose either of them. You can have both of them and all of their teen friends.

Take the Premium GFs tour for more details and for a huge list of their sites. You won’t believe the size of the network once you get inside. It is huge!

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