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Posted By Admin on 08/25/18 - Bookmark Selina 18

Going to the ballet is such a beautiful experience. The story, the artistry behind every tiny body movement, the thrill & the rise, then the climax & story resolution. It’s so parallel to an intense love making session. Perhaps this is just my view of things. But I’m convinced since I was able to get 72% off Petite Ballerinas Fucked with this discount that I’m certainly not alone in this sentiment.

We all know how toned and perfected those stunning ballerina bodies are. They work day & night, no matter how exhausted they are to master their art for our visual pleasure. Now, we get to watch their physical pleasure. It’s such an exhilarating experience for me.

You wouldn’t believe how much that incredible flexibility and never ending stamina pay off when these ladies of dance are working up to their own personal climax. I can barely contain myself when they finally reach their peak and can no longer hold off. Their climax becomes mine and then the curtain closes on what I can only see as another mastered craft.

Blogged Under: Selina 18
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